Monday, March 8, 2010

Caregiver's Corner

The Caregiver's role caring for a cancer patient is an enormous act of undeniable charity. The position comes with no rules, no defined role and no measurement of performance. When the cancer patient was diagnosed, the newly anointed caregiver stepped into a new journey equally as gruelling as the cancer patients journey. The caregiver assumes new responsibilities as well as added stress and frustration from the role. Staying healthy is extremely important for the caregiver during this time, and with the added stress and responsibilities, it becomes more difficult. So what do you do?
-Eat right and nurish the system
-Mentally extract yourself from the environment
-Exercise your body physically
-Try to maintain some resemblance of a life you had B4 becoming the caregiver
-Make time for you
If being a caregiver for a cancer patient was easy, everyone would be doing it. It's not easy and the toll it takes on the caregiver cannot be underestimated.

This blog is for the caregivers of cancer patients to share their information about "What works for them" and how they deal with the caregiver's journey. By sharing this informtion, a Knowledge Base can be developed and built for caregivers, to help them with their journey.

LCJ coach4cancer

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